VIVITROL is indicated for:
  • The treatment of alcohol dependence in patients who are able to abstain from alcohol in an outpatient setting prior to initiation of treatment with VIVITROL. Patients should not be actively drinking at the time of initial VIVITROL administration.
  • The prevention of relapse to opioid dependence, following opioid detoxification.

VIVITROL should be part of a comprehensive management program that includes psychosocial support.


Vivitrol2gether logo.

Vivitrol2gether is a patient support services program to help your patients throughout fulfillment, transition of care, and during VIVITROL® treatment. If your patients need access to injection providers, you can call Vivitrol2gether Patient Support Services at 1-800-VIVITROL (1-800-848-4876) for assistance. Vivitrol2gether patient support representatives are available Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM–8:00 PM (ET), or use the Provider Locator to get a listing of injection providers in your area.

Vivitrol2gether Enrollment Form

This is an enrollment form for offices that wish to work with a Vivitrol2gether dedicated case manager to send prescriptions to pharmacies on behalf of their patients. This form includes everything from patient information, insurance information, eligibility for VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program, prescriber information, and all necessary patient and healthcare provider signatures to fill a VIVITROL prescription. (The healthcare provider can help the patient complete the form.)

Vivitrol2gether Enrollment Form
Vivitrol2gether FulFillment Support

This resource provides more information on pharmacy triage fulfillment support services to get your patients started on VIVITROL. This includes access to a case manager for streamlined customer service.

Vivitrol2gether Fulfillment Support

Filling a VIVITROL Prescription

There are a few ways your office personnel can guide patients to fill VIVITROL prescriptions:

  1. Work directly with pharmacies by using the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator to get insurance forms and requirements along with a list of pharmacy options for VIVITROL.

    • If you have questions about the insurance forms or requirements, you can reach out to a Vivitrol2gether dedicated case manager. They can help you get information for your patient's insurance requirements, forms, and a list of pharmacy options

  2. Work directly with a Vivitrol2gether dedicated case manager to complete the Vivitrol2gether Enrollment Form. Prescriptions can be sent directly to pharmacies based on your patients' insurance coverage. You can also choose to receive coordination services inclusive of logistical support and refill reminders.

You can reach a Vivitrol2gether dedicated case manager by calling 1-800-VIVITROL (1-800-848-4876) 9AM–8PM (ET).

Billing and coding resource

This resource provides billing and coding information for VIVITROL, including an overview of product and administration codes and a non-exhaustive list of examples of other services and codes for illustrative purposes only.

billing and coding resource
Specialty pharmacy process

This brochure goes through the steps of filling VIVITROL. It includes an in-depth description of the specialty pharmacy process as well as an overview of Vivitrol2gether and buy-and-bill programs.

specialty pharmacy process

Co-pay Savings Program

The VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program covers up to $500/month toward co-pay expenses for eligible patients with a VIVITROL prescription. See abbreviated Terms and Conditions below.*

VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program card.

92% of VIVITROL®® prescriptions for patients in the Co-pay Savings Program cost $0 out of pocket1

Learn More about Co-pay Savings

*Terms and Conditions

Eligible patients who have commercial insurance or no insurance may pay as little as $0 per prescription of VIVITROL. Maximum savings per prescription is $500 up to 12 prescriptions per calendar year, with maximum savings up to $6,000 per calendar year. Patients’ out-of-pocket expenses may vary. Offer not valid for patients enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, or other federal or state healthcare programs. Additional terms and conditions apply. Please see for full VIVITROL Co-pay Program Terms and Conditions.

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Reference: 1. Data on file. Alkermes, Inc. Waltham, MA.

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Reference: 1. Data on file. Alkermes, Inc. Waltham, MA.

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