VIVITROL is indicated for:
  • The treatment of alcohol dependence in patients who are able to abstain from alcohol in an outpatient setting prior to initiation of treatment with VIVITROL. Patients should not be actively drinking at the time of initial VIVITROL administration.
  • The prevention of relapse to opioid dependence, following opioid detoxification.

VIVITROL should be part of a comprehensive management program that includes psychosocial support.

aCurrent as of September 2024.


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Filling a VIVITROL prescription

Pharmacy options, approval requirements, and the cost for VIVITROL prescriptions vary by health plan. Health plans can cover VIVITROL as either a medical or pharmacy benefit.

How healthcare providers obtain VIVITROL usually depends on how it is covered by the patient’s health plan. Get information on insurer requirements and forms plus pharmacy options for fulfillment of VIVITROL from the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator.

  • Retail pharmacy: Some health plans allow any network pharmacy to fill VIVITROL.

  • Specialty pharmacy: These pharmacies will obtain and ship a patient-specific prescription to your office. If a patient’s insurance covers VIVITROL under the medical benefit portion of the health plan, the plan may allow a network pharmacy to ship VIVITROL directly to the provider’s office and bill the patient’s health plan directly on behalf of the provider. The Vivitrol2gether® team can work with offices to send prescriptions to pharmacies based on their patients' healthcare plan requirements. Link to Vivitrol2gether Enrollment Form on previous page.

  • Buy and bill: Another option if VIVITROL is covered through the medical benefit is for the healthcare provider to buy units of VIVITROL from a specialty distributor and bill the patient’s insurance directly when it is administered.

Buy-and-bill providers and the VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program:

  • If you set up an account with IQVIA, you can directly submit a reimbursement request for your eligible patient’s co-pay or deductible expenses
  • To enroll in the VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program, set up an account with IQVIA. You have 3 options:

Obtaining VIVITROL through a specialty pharmacy

  • How you obtain VIVITROL depends on how it is covered by the patient’s health plan. Often, health insurers require injectable medications to be filled through designated specialty pharmacies
  • Specialty pharmacies obtain and ship a patient-specific prescription to the healthcare provider’s office. Specialty pharmacies bill the patient’s insurance directly and collect any co-pay from the patient

Getting patients started on VIVITROL via specialty pharmacy fulfillment

The healthcare provider’s office:

  • Completes the specialty pharmacy form. If using Vivitrol2gether Patient Support Services, both the healthcare provider office and patient must fill out the appropriate sections of the Patient Enrollment Form.
    • If submitting directly to the specialty pharmacy, consults Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator and fills out the pharmacy’s form or the Vivitrol2gether Patient Enrollment Form
    • Provides front and back of patient’s medical and pharmacy insurance cards (if patient has both)
  • Explains the availability of the VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program for eligible patients
  • Sends the specialty pharmacy form to the specialty pharmacy
  • Returns the specialty pharmacy’s call to confirm shipment date

The specialty pharmacy:

  • Confirms insurance coverage with the patient’s health plan
  • Finds out what the patient’s insurance covers
  • Applies any co-pay program savings for which the patient is eligible
  • May provide additional support services for patient continuity of care

Patients should expect a call from the specialty pharmacy to coordinate the delivery of their prescription to the healthcare provider’s office.

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Reference: 1. Data on file. Alkermes, Inc. Waltham, MA.

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Reference: 1. Data on file. Alkermes, Inc. Waltham, MA.

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