VIVITROL is indicated for:
  • The treatment of alcohol dependence in patients who are able to abstain from alcohol in an outpatient setting prior to initiation of treatment with VIVITROL. Patients should not be actively drinking at the time of initial VIVITROL administration.
  • The prevention of relapse to opioid dependence, following opioid detoxification.

VIVITROL should be part of a comprehensive management program that includes psychosocial support.

Insurance and
Pharmacy Navigator

This Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator is provided for informational purposes only, represents Alkermes’ understanding of applicable insurer requirements within a state, and provides a non-exhaustive list of pharmacy fulfillment options for VIVITROL® prescriptions covered by such insurance. The Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator includes pharmacies designated by the insurer and, where Alkermes has obtained sufficient data, additional pharmacies that have met an established fulfillment-percentage standard for VIVITROL prescriptions covered by the insurer over a specified period of time. No fees are paid, including by insurers or pharmacies, for inclusion in the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator. Insurer requirements and pharmacy options vary by plan, patient and setting of care, and are complex and updated frequently without our knowledge or control. The information provided in the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator is not intended as advice, recommendations or a directive of any kind. Additional insurance requirements may apply and healthcare providers should always contact the applicable insurer or pharmacy directly to obtain complete and current information.

I have read and acknowledge the above description of the information in the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator and the purpose and limitations of such information.

Take the following steps to select a state and insurer. Then, you can view pharmacy information and insurer requirements, including prior authorization and enrollment forms.
Enter a healthcare provider state:

The Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator has no insurance information available for this state at this time. Please contact your patient's insurer directly for information.

Before proceeding you must read and acknowledge the description of the information in the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator and the purpose and limitations of this information.

Important information: verify benefit type

For commercially insured patients, VIVITROL® may be covered under the pharmacy benefit, medical benefit, or both.

Providers and office staff, be sure to verify the patient’s insurance to confirm how VIVITROL is covered. Note that your patient may have a separate pharmacy (prescriptions) benefit.

If VIVITROL is covered as a pharmacy benefit (or by BOTH pharmacy and medical), submit prescriptions to the specialty pharmacy (SP) designated by the patient’s pharmacy benefit. Click the link below to view SPs commonly associated with the corresponding pharmacy benefit providers

If there is no pharmacy benefit coverage for VIVITROL, submit to a specialty pharmacy associated with the patient’s medical benefit (insurer).

Close this pop-up and continue below for the list of pharmacies associated with the patient’s medical benefit.

IMPORTANT: Healthcare providers are responsible for keeping current and complying with all applicable insurer requirements and for the selection of diagnosis and procedure codes that accurately reflect their patient’s condition and the services rendered. Healthcare providers also are responsible for the accuracy of all claims and related documentation submitted to insurers for reimbursement. Alkermes does not guarantee insurer coverage or reimbursement or pharmacy fulfillment of VIVITROL prescriptions. Under no circumstances will Alkermes, Inc., or its affiliates, employees, consultants, agents or representatives be liable for costs, expenses, losses, claims, liabilities or other damages that may arise from or be incurred in connection with the information provided in the Insurance and Pharmacy Navigator or any use thereof.


aBased on claims data derived from commercially insured patients enrolled in the VIVITROL Co-Pay Savings Program from 1/1/24 through 9/17/24.

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Reference: 1. Data on file. Alkermes, Inc. Waltham, MA.

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Reference: 1. Data on file. Alkermes, Inc. Waltham, MA.

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