Hear from your peers
Gain insights from healthcare professionals as they discuss various topics about recovery from alcohol dependence and opioid dependence and how they incorporate treatment with VIVITROL®—a medication-assisted treatment (MAT)—in their practice.
Explore the 12-month data for VIVITROL for alcohol dependence
CEO & Founder, Modern Psychiatry and Wellness, LLC
Board-certified psychiatrist
West Chester Township, OH
Dr Moss discusses the clinical results for VIVITROL
Hear Dr Moss discuss the data for VIVITROL in the treatment of alcohol dependence, including safety and outcome measures, and why he believes this MAT can help patients with recovery.
Challenges of treatment for patients with alcohol dependence
Board-certified adult psychiatrist
Sub-specializations in addiction medicine, forensic psychiatry, and integrative medicine
New Orleans, LA
Dr Podesta shares about the importance of MAT adherence
Dr Podesta speaks about the challenges patients face with alcohol dependence—the stigma, medication adherence, and the prevalence of relapse. Hear why she believes that VIVITROL, a medication-assisted treatment, along with counseling, can help patients with recovery.
Frequently asked questions about alcohol dependence
Board-certified adult psychiatrist
Sub-specializations in addiction medicine, forensic psychiatry, and integrative medicine
New Orleans, LA
Why Dr Podesta treats appropriate patients with VIVITROL
Hear Dr Podesta respond to frequently asked questions about addiction and the brain, MAT, and how she helps patients understand their treatment with VIVITROL and counseling.
Understand the key federal guidelines for opioid dependence
CEO & Founder, Modern Psychiatry and Wellness, LLC
Board-certified psychiatrist
West Chester Township, OH
Dr Moss explains recommendations for opioid dependence
Discover what Dr Moss has to say about the US Surgeon General’s recommendations for patients with opioid dependence who are seeking treatment after opioid detoxification.