Once-monthly VIVITROL and counseling may help provide a path forward in their recovery
If your patients are struggling with alcohol dependence or opioid dependence and considering medication-assisted treatment, see how once-monthly VIVITROL and counseling can help.
VIVITROL is a proven treatment option for appropriate patients1-3
Discover the efficacy and safety of VIVITROL—a clinically proven treatment option to help patients with alcohol dependence or opioid dependence.
VIVITROL is covered for most insured patients4
Cost and access should never be a barrier to recovery. Nine out of 10 patients are covered for VIVITROL and pay less than $5 out of pocket. Explore insurance coverage tools and financial resources that can help your patients get started on VIVITROL.
*Please see www.vivitrolcopayterms.com for full VIVITROL Co-pay Savings Program Terms and Conditions.
Resources and support for both patients and counselors
Support is an integral part of a patient's recovery. With services that help patients get started on VIVITROL and educational resources that deepen a counselor's knowledge about medication, they can find the support they need for a path forward in recovery.